The kids are ready for summer break, and so are we! We had 39 players for the league – a healthy follow up to the Dance Party.

This league had a few clear winners:

  • Japan: out of 4 players, 2 made Top 8.
  • Brians: we had 3 Brian/Bryans in the Top 8, and another in Top 16.
  • Combo: this ranged from a powerful Aluren build, to Flinging Dreadnoughts, to Replenish, Full English Breakfast, Tendrils, and more! Depending on how you classify the individual decks (e.g. Stasis), 75% of Top 8 was Combo.
  • Tweedy: it’s not surprising, then, that we saw a Control deck come out on top. Congrats Tweedy for taking it down on Jeskai! Your dedication to the archetype paid off.

This summer we’ll be focused on in-person events in Austin, Houston, and Ohio, so we’ll be pausing on leagues for a few months. It’s been an excellent first half of the year for Middle School, though, and we’ll see y’all for the Fall Semester this autumn.

  1. Brian Tweedy – The Solution
  2. Bryan Chasanoff – Necro Tendrils
  3. Kai Schafroth – Full English Breakfast
  4. Takuya Kawakubo – Landstill
  5. Bryan Hockey – Aluren
  6. Peter Simpson – UR Dreadnought
  7. Ty Thomason – UR Stasis
  8. Shun Fukazawa – Reanimator
  9. Robin Mannas – UW Replenish
  10. Patrick Vincent – RG Goblins
  11. Charles McFadden – Survival Madness
  12. Eric Caffrey – Junk Entomb
  13. Masayuki Higashi – UW Replenish
  14. Brian Espinoza – Big Rock
  15. Galen Lemei – Full English Breakfast
  16. Rajah James – Tax Tog
  17. Lorien Elleman – Necro Tendrils
  18. Chad Frazier – Tax Tog
  19. Joseph Amaya – Parfait
  20. Rob Connolly – Necro Tendrils
  21. Matt Perlman – TerraGeddon
  22. Stuart Ziarnik – Counter Rebels
  23. Mike Simpson – UR Dreadnought
  24. Miguel Angel Garcia – Mono Black Clerics
  25. Andrew Webb – Hermit
  26. Chet Miller – Doomday
  27. Cayce Grissom – Gro
  28. Angelo Kortyka – Mono Blue Fliers
  29. Patrick Little – Full English Breakfast
  30. Gregg Graham – RG Oath
  31. Junya Sato – Slivers
  32. David Palmer – Fling Oath
  33. Jeffrey DeMario – Mana Clash Sligh
  34. Phillip Collier – Terravore Oath
  35. Mike Klements – Reanimator
  36. Paul Garrett – Landstill
  37. Keith Sweeney – MachineHead
  38. David Dech – Lands
  39. Jake Hilty – Tax Tog